


LCSW Therapist & Business Coach

I’m so glad you’re here!

Kelly (O’Sullivan) McKenna, LCSW, MBA

I imagine you’re here because there are parts of your work you wish you could change.

  • Do you feel burnt out?

  • Would you be a better therapist if there was a way for you to work with fewer clients while increasing your income?

  • Do you compare yourself to other therapists on Instagram and wonder β€œwhy can’t I have that?!”

  • Do you wish someone would show you the way?

I am here to help you.

I’ve been there too. Before I started my own practice, I was working 40-50 hours a week at a nonprofit. And then in the evenings, I’d work another 10 hours a week at a group practice.

To say I was burnt out was an understatement. But then I started my Instagram page and everything started to change for me.

With an engaged community, I created demand for my services. I was able to raise my rates to $250 a session and fill my caseload with private pay clients. This gave me the financial security to quit my job.

Having a private pay practice has not only made me a better therapist to my clients, but it’s also made me a happier person, a more present wife, and a more fun friend.


I believe that every therapist deserves to be paid at least 6-figures for the lifechanging work you do with your clients.

My Background

Most therapists were not taught a damn thing about marketing or business in graduate school.

I was fortunate enough to get my MBA and I have made it my personal mission to help fill this educational gap for therapists. Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s a skill you are very capable of learning.

Learning to market yourself effectively on Instagram will help you earn more, work less, and have a caseload of clients you are truly great at helping.

I have successfully grown two Instagram pages from scratch (@sitwithkelly and @businessoftherapy). And I’ve helped 100s of other therapists do the same.

In my professional career, I’ve done a lot of different things besides being a Therapist and Business Coach.

I have worked in inpatient substance abuse settings, schools, community centers, homeless shelters, and nonprofits.

Most recently I worked in a senior leadership position at an NYC nonprofit where I managed several large programs, over $10 million annually, and a team of 70 people. I oversaw programs working with young adults and veterans - providing housing, mental health counseling, case management, and employment services.



I received my Masters of Social Work and Masters of Business Administration from Florida State University.

I earned $250,000 my first year in private practice. I reached $1,000,000 in revenue, in less than 3 years.

And I’ve helped countless other therapists launch and scale their own private practices, well beyond the 6-figure mark.

For a better idea of what it’s like to work with me,
follow me on Instagram